relax- offo 是什么?
"Relax- offo" 是一个语法不正确的英文短语。从字面上理解,它可能是想表达 "放松" 这个意思。然而,正确的英文表达应该是 "relax" 或 "relaxation"。
"Relax" 是一个动词,表示放松、松懈,如 "Relax and enjoy the moment"(放松并享受这一刻)。
"Relaxation" 是一个名词,表示放松的状态,如 "Relaxation is important for maintaining mental health"(放松对维护心理健康至关重要)。
Relax-offo品牌是一个属于意大利LM集团旗下从事服饰行业潮流奢侈品品牌,创始人是著名丹麦设计师:哈根·威尔斯(Hagen Wells)。该品牌于1988年7月26日在丹麦创建。作品常活跃于《Vogue》、《Co***opolitan》等伦敦时尚杂志封面。于亚历山大·麦昆,卡尔·拉格斐皆有合作。在21年由引进中国大陆,该致力打造一种率性,自信,新锐的轻奢潮流风格,其作品常活跃于国外知名时尚杂志封面。为多元化场景装扮提供更多空间,传达了一种拥抱生活积极向上的热情,使年轻人在巨大生活压力彻底释放,获得一份轻松愉悦的潮流归属感。
When I was young,the body is not good at all,often catch a cold.Then I listen to my grandma said:'' exercise can make people healthy.''
So I began to practice badminton,I practiced for several years,I in those years practice almost a cold,sick,no ***all trouble.
I remember once,my mother and I play.The start of the match,a mother of a fly ball,let me be taken by surprise,the first round is completed,I temporarily behind.Second I adjust the good mentality,the mother's weakness,defeated the mother.
After the game,I came back home the sequence of events listen to my father,her father laughed and said:'transport functions bring health and happiness,you know,you can grow up.
Sports can bring people h***iness and health.
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